“We Preach Christ Crucified”

We are a confessional Lutheran congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS). Committed to teaching the truth of God’s Word, with Christ crucified for sinners at the center, our worship follows the historic liturgy of the Church. We sing the great hymns of past and present that reflect the reverence, dignity, and joy of the Christian confession.

We are a diverse church, both young and old, from all kinds of backgrounds, all united under God’s Word – “One Lord, one faith, one Baptism, one God, and Father of us all” (Ephesians 4:5-6).

To learn more about who we are, what we believe, and how we serve and proclaim Christ our Lord, please explore this website, read and listen to the sermons, and check out the many opportunities to hear and study God’s Word. Don’t hesitate to call or email us with any questions. We’d love to talk with you!

You’re welcome also to explore our school and our commitment to educating children in the Christian faith and the classical tradition.

Listen to our the latest sermons


Divine Service at 9:00 on Sunday Morning and Wednesday evening at 5:30

Find Us


Call or email for more information or to schedule a visit with a pastor.

Church Phone: 307-635-2802

Email: [email protected]

Divine Service

See what the worship services are like at Trinity Lutheran Church

What We Believe

Learn more about the doctrine taught and confessed at Trinity Lutheran Church

Give a gift to Trinity Lutheran Church & School

No Midweek service tomarrow Wednesday July 3rd.

The Please call the church at 307-635-2802 if you have further questions.

School Early Enrollment Open Now!