Trinity Lutheran School

Trinity Lutheran School

Trinity Lutheran School (TLS) is a classical Lutheran parochial school located in Cheyenne, Wyoming, established in 1892 with the congregation of Trinity Lutheran Church. TLS prepares children for heavenly and earthly citizenship by means of a classical Christian education so that they would learn the truth of God’s Word, abound in knowledge and virtue, and share God’s grace in all of their various vocations, present and future.

Classical. Lutheran. Parochial.


Trinity is a classical school. This means that our curriculum is pretty different from what you will find at a public school, and even from what you’ll find at many private schools, whether Christian or not. We teach Latin— not as a frill or an add-on, but as a core subject— with formal daily instruction beginning in 3rd grade. Our history and literature curricula emphasize and hold up the Greek, Roman, and European roots of Western Civilization and American culture. Our students learn grammar, logic, and rhetoric and are taught to employ their knowledge of these subjects to gain mastery in all others. If you are unfamiliar with classical education, we recommend “The New Classical Schooling,” by Peter J. Leithart.


The sixteenth-century Lutheran reformers were ardent patrons of classical education in the lands where the Reformation took root. As a Lutheran school we are proud to claim classical education as our heritage. When we say that we are Lutheran, however, this is more than a mere historical marker. Our students are taught the Christian faith from Martin Luther’s Small Catechism— not in place of the Bible, but rather as a means of venturing deeper into the Bible and perceiving the saving person and work of Jesus Christ as central throughout all of it. Chapel services are liturgical in character, following the prayer orders of Matins and Vespers out of the Lutheran Service Book. Students learn the psalms, Biblical canticles, and the great hymns of the Church. They memorize Scripture. They learn learn about and participate in the historic Church Year— its feasts, festivals, commemorations, and seasons.

Students at Trinity Lutheran School around the turn of the century.


“Trinity Lutheran School…is a vital part of the mission of Trinity Lutheran Church”

 The work of our school depends on the generous support of our church. The good people of Trinity Lutheran Church maintain the building and physical plant, volunteer their time in countless and invaluable ways, and give generously in order to keep the cost of education affordable for all school families. It is impossible to overstate the importance of the congregation’s support for TLS. In view of this, our students show their gratitude to the congregation in various ways throughout the school year.

We believe that we offer the best education available in Cheyenne. Just what makes it the best, though? Our rigorous grammar and composition curriculum? Our advanced math program? Teaching children how to think well and critically? Latin, logic, history, and the great works of Western literature? All of these are good things, but none of them is the best thing:

At Trinity we equip children to stand against the darkness of this present age with Christ as their true and only light.

The City of Man is becoming a more treacherous place every day. “The world is worse than it has ever been,” Martin Luther wrote in his Large Catechism, “and there is no government, no obedience, no loyalty, no faith, but only daring, unbridled people. No teaching or reproof helps them.”

If this was true in Martin Luther’s day, it is even truer in ours. Children today are exposed to temptations which previous generations never could have imagined. Fewer and fewer Christian children still confess the faith by the time they reach adulthood. This grim state of affairs leads many to wonder, “Is there a way for me to protect my children and help them to stand with Jesus on the Last Day? Is there an alternative to the culture which beckons young people away from the faith?”

Yes. By God’s grace, there is.

Here at Trinity Lutheran School, we aim to make this way known.

The 3-8 Schola Cantorum sings during a Choral Matins service in April 2018.

At TLS we teach children what it means to be baptized into Christ’s death and resurrection. We teach them the Scriptures, the written accounts of God in Christ saving our lost and fallen race. At chapel our students hear the preaching of Christ crucified: the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. We teach them the great hymns of the Church to give them joy, comfort, and courage throughout the changing scenes of this life. We teach them how to pray.

In and through all of this, we also teach children how to serve God and neighbor, to lead good, useful, and productive lives. Such usefulness and earthly success are not the goal itself, however; rather, they are the results of aiming at a higher goal: knowing God and His works, which are the good, the true, and the beautiful.

So, too, with knowledge, the proper goal of education. When children study the classical liberal arts, their minds become truly healthy. With this health comes the ability to think critically about whatever practical tasks they are given at school, at home, and in any situation and to make wise decisions. In this way knowledge equips students to serve their neighbors through their various vocations— and not just in the future, but right now as well.

If you have questions about Trinity Lutheran School that haven’t been answered here, please visit the school contact page. Our headmaster would be glad to speak with you.

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