Trinity Lutheran Childcare

2023-2024 Childcare Information & Contract

Admission: The Trinity Lutheran School Childcare Center is open to all families with children in any education program administered by Trinity Lutheran School. This includes Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten, and the Day School. Children between the ages of 3 and 12 who are fully potty-trained are eligible to participate in the Daycare program. Please note that Trinity does not have staff who are trained to work with children with special needs, unusual behavior problems, or severe learning disabilities. The Childcare Center retains the right to refuse children who cannot appropriately participate in our program.

Enrollment Procedure: The Daycare Contract must be completed and submitted to the childcare director before your child will be allowed to start in the Childcare Center.

Hours of Operation: The Childcare Center is open from 7:00 AM until 5:30 PM Monday through Friday (except on the holidays noted below). You must sign your child into and out of childcare and accurately list the time of arrival and departure. A $1.00 per minute charge will be assessed for children not picked up by 5:30 PM

Inclement Weather & Other Closings ProcedureIn severe weather, listen to your local radio station or television station for information. Trinity follows the lead of the Laramie County School District #1 (LCSD#1) regarding the closing of the Childcare Center due to weather conditions. If LCSD#1 is closed on a school day for poor weather, The Childcare Center will also be closed. If the Childcare Center closes early for any reason, the parents or guardians will be contacted and will be expected to pick up their child(ren) by the appointed time unless other arrangements are made.

School Day Rates: 

  • Maximum Daycare (average 5-7 hours/day per ~17 school-day period)  $375
  • ½ Daycare (3.25-4.75 hours/day per ~17 school-day period)  $300
  • Before- & after-school Daycare (up to 3 hours/day per ~17 school-day period)  $220
  • Before- & after-school Daycare -or- after-school Daycare (up to 2 hours/day per ~17 school-day period)  $155
  • Before- or after-school Daycare (up to 1 hour/day per ~17 school-day period)  $85
  • Hourly Rate  $8

School Early Enrollment Open Now!