Strings and Music

Kantor Dr. Steven Hoffman

Kantor Hoffman teaches Kindergarten through Eleventh Grade Music. He directs the School Choir (Schola Cantorum) as well. Kantor directs the upper-level Instrumental Ensemble. Kantor also composes and arranges music for our choirs and Instrumental Ensembles. Kantor Hoffman serves as organist for the daily school Matins services in the Church. Among his greatest joys is teaching our students to sing and make music. The music-making at Trinity Lutheran School is founded upon our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the salvation He won for us upon the cross and in His triumphant resurrection. God gave us the gift of music to confess our Lord Christ to the world. May God in Christ Jesus bless our singing and music making to the great glory of His Most Holy Name.

Trinity Lutheran School is very blessed to have Kantor Hoffman offer his time and talent in giving private piano lessons during and outside of the school day to several of our students. Please ask us about such opportunities for your child(ren).

Jaylene Willhite

Mrs. Jaylene Willhite graduated from the University of Wyoming in 1980 with a Bachelor of Music Education. She also received a Master of Arts in Education from the Grand Canyon University in 2006. Jaylene taught a variety of music positions in her first 10 years of teaching in Lyman Nebraska and Torrington Wyoming. She then accepted a teaching position in Cheyenne Wyoming with L.C.S.D. #1 school district in 1991. She taught elementary general music, band and orchestra for four years. She then taught elementary, junior high and high school orchestra for the next 29 years. She is now retired after 43 years of teaching. In November of 2000, Mrs. Willhite founded the Cheyenne Youth Symphony and has been the director for the past 24 years. She has also been a member of the Cheyenne Symphony Orchestra for 35 years and plays with the Wyoming Symphony in Casper.

Trinity Lutheran School is very excited to have Mrs. Willhite offer her talents to us this year by giving private violin and viola lessons during the school day. She is also willing to do group lessons for our students. Please ask us about such opportunities for your child(ren) or call Mrs. Willhite at 307-631-8556.